Sunday, September 15, 2013

9/13/13; Pros & Cons of Globalization

I know what you’re thinking, globalization... again. But each day we talk about the subject is different! Today the topic within globalization: the pros and cons. Also how Mr. Schick is ok with everyone using Wikipedia. We learned that you can get very useful links threw Wikipedia. After Mr. Schick’s rant on how good and effective Wikipedia is, we went onto the pros and cons of globalization. With every topic there is in the world, everyone has their entitled opinion to it, some good, and some bad. We were introduced to another project to work on, specifically with the pros and cons. With such a globalized topic such as globalization, there will be good things and bad things about it no matter what your opinion of the topic is. For the cons, it mostly consists of the little countries not being able to keep up. But at the same time for the pros, it can help little countries. We will continue the project on Monday, and we have our first test Friday.

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