Friday, September 20, 2013

9/20/13; Test Day with a Fire Drill

Today in Human Geo class was test day. But that got pushed back because of a fire drill, but it wasn’t actually a drill at all. The sprinklers we on, on the football field, and I thought we were going to be out there for the whole class. But we were only outside for about twenty minutes. I didn’t finish my test, because of the fire drill, but we have about twenty extra minutes to finish the test on Monday. I found the test pretty easy, I studied and everything that I studied was on the test. The multiple choice questions were very easy and not the main point of the test. The true point was the three essays that we had to write about in the end. The three questions each talked about globalization, infrastructure and Socrates’ famous quote. Overall to me, the test was easy but I just didn’t have enough time. We will finish the test on Monday.

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