Wednesday, September 4, 2013

9/4/13; Socrates

Today in class, while we thought we were moving on from the topic of Socrates, we were just getting started. Right in the beginning we all talked about the Socrates death painting more then one person could imagine. Then we learned that we are no where near done talking about Socrates' death. Today's topic was about the painting though. In our class, we started talking about how the painting is making Socrates looking better then he would have. Which was weird considering that he was sixty years old and he supposedly has a six pack. So we all figured that after he was done thoroughly explaining his deep thoughts to the youth of Athens, he would go and do crunches. Another topic we talked about was the drink of hemlock. The fact that it took forty-five slow, painful, minutes and you felt like you were drowning, makes me sick. That, in my opinion, is one of the worst ways to die. Slow and painful death, and drowning are both huge fears of mine. So combining the two together, I cringe. Yes so that was class today and I now realize how terrified I am with slow, painful deaths, and drowning.

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