Tuesday, September 3, 2013

9/3/13; Greek Words & Phrases

Today in class, we went over the Greek words and phrases and talked slightly about our blogs/grades. I'm passing, thankfully. We didn't finish going over all of the Greek words and phrases, we stopped at the death of Socrates. So I figure we will finish discussing them tomorrow. It's very interesting to learn about a culture that we based a lot of democracy on. And how important Socrates was, not only to the future of philosophy but also at his current time. Every person thought he was crazy, but he actually just thought in more detail then other people in his time. The fact that he got the death penalty for speaking his mind is crazy in today’s world. But back then it would be ok to give someone the cruelty for disrespecting someone very powerful. Time changes very much, especially over about twenty thousand years or so. But today the topic was that our American democracy is highly relatable to the Greek democracy.  

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