Monday, September 23, 2013

9/23/13; Population and Migration

Today in class, it was half test day and half new chapter day. The new chapter is about population and migration. Today we mostly talked about how the population of the world is at seven billion, and how the population has been growing a lot more faster as the 1960’s came. At first, it took 33 years to reach a population of 2 billion, but now it only took 12 year to reach a population of 7 billion. Then someone made a good point about China’s one child law, so then you would have to figure how many more people would be on this Earth if the Chinese were allowed to have more than one child. Another surprising fact was that 90 percent of the population growth takes place in developing countries. We also talked about life expectancy, USA being number 50 of the list of highest life expectancy. The first is Monaco, a city with a lot of rich people, the life expectancy for men are 80 years and 93 years for women. The lowest is Chad, were the average age to live is 48. A huge difference. We will finish talking about this tomorrow.

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