Monday, September 9, 2013

9/9/13; Google Documents

Today in human geo class we learned how to set up our google document. And we also learned that we will have a test on everything that we learned a week from Friday. Also we got assigned a project, that why we needed to learn how to set up a google document. What makes a google document different from a regular document is that with a normal document, only one person on that computer can make changes and access the document. But with a google document, you have the option to make your document public, or two types of private. With public, anyone can see the document. For the first type of private, only you can see and change the document, while in the other type of private you can invite people and then you and the people you invited can see and change the document. Our project is to think of and write down possible test questions, it’s for studying. So I figure that’s what we are going to be doing for a while.

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