Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9/18/13; Review for Test

Today in class, we presented our globalization power points and went over the things that are going to be on the test Friday. The test will consist of ten multiple choice questions and three explanation questions covering everything we have talked about in class so far. Including; globalization, Socrates, Socrates’ method, the Greek words and phrases, developed countries, and developing countries. For the developed and developing countries topic, we should talk about the qualities that distinguish the developed countries from the developing countries. Those qualities include; cell phone use, cell towers, living conditions, job rate, and any other living needs. The USA is by far a developed county, part of that example was that today in class, Mr. Schick said that we have all the qualities that a developed country needs, right in our classroom. An example of a developing country is Indonesia, as we saw from the video, Behind the Swoosh, the living conditions were worse than imaginable. No class Thursday and the test Friday.

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