Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9/24/13; Migration

Today in human geo class, we continued our discussion about population and migration. For about half the class we talked about the story of Mr. Schicks wife that worked for a landscaping company and how the Mexicans that were hired did a way better job than the college Americans. We also talked about emigration and immigration. And we learned that the number that determines if the population of a country is growing or declining is 2.1, the USA’s number is above so their population is increasing. Along with immigration, we talked about how immigration can happen in any country. Also how Canada has a very high number with immigration. I think that immigration isn’t as big of a deal as other people make it, but I think illegal immigration is the real problem that were facing. Because we are still just getting into the new section, we will most likely still be talking about population and migration tomorrow.

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