Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9/17/13; Little Change is Good... Right?

Again in class today was a continuation of yesterday’s topic, Behind the Swoosh. But today was talking more about if anything was done to change the conditions and pay in Indonesia. The video was created in 1999, and there was a website made for it. But ironically a “hacker” hacked the website and said that if you continued to the site your computer would get a virus. But after a few minutes of research, I found that the supporters of helping Indonesia, created a new and up running site! Also today in class, it was brought up that their pay was increased, from 1.25$ to 4$! Which is a start to everything that needs to be changed! But because Nike has the military on their side, the force the Nike workers in Indonesia to work for 3.75$ or possibly less. So yes it is extremely good that their pay was raised 2.50$ but it still is nearly not enough change for the workers to have a stable and fair living condition.

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