Monday, September 2, 2013

Greek Words & Phrases

  • Agora - gathering place or assembly, the central place of the city.

  • Arete - to do good in anything.

  • Polis - city.

  • the year 508 BC - The city of Athens was established.

  • Socrates - A Greek philosopher, one of the founders of Western philosophy. And created the "Socrates Method"

  • the death of Socrates - After Socrates criticized Critias, he was given the choice to either drink poison hemlock or face exile. But Socrates chooses death as his choice.

  • the Socratic method - The method of which to solve a main problem you would use a series of questions, which would then lead you to gradually solve the main problem.

  • what the ancient Greeks meant when they called you an idiot - It meant that you were a private person or you weren't interested in politics.

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