Monday, December 16, 2013


ok so hey Mr. Schick,

I thought you would want to know that my dad just yelled at me for pronouncing Reggie Bush's name wrong. and that he just scored a touchdown against the ravens tonight. so yeah go ravens.

Detroit sucks, especially Regay Bush, bye.

12/16/13; Last Blog Till Next Year

Today during human geo we went over the review questions that grace made for the final/midterms exam. Honestly, a lot of the class was spent with us goofing off like usual. Grace sounded like a chain smoker so we all knew what she was doing this weekend. Studying obviously. But her quiz game thing that she made was really helpful and contained all the information for the exam. Our exam is on Thursday, the second test time. So this is my last post for this blog, because this is only a semester class, oh wait just kidding, we still have two weeks after the break. Never mind about that. But there’s not 1 day till Christmas, not 4, but 9! And here is the answer to Mr. Schick’s “trick question”;

What is the net migration rate for the whole entire world?




Friday, December 13, 2013

12/13/13; Exam Study Guide

Today in human geo, we got our study guide and briefly went over the concepts in it. Considering we will not likely have school Monday, or very short classes, Mr. Schick wanted us to use this time as if we would not have class Monday. The exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions and 1 essay. The multiple choice questions will range from all the topics we have covered this semester, and the essay questions is basically why is it important to know all this information and how is it all tied together. The notes from today’s class are;

Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013


1.Introduction (Excellence)

a.      A Letter to Garcia

He delivered the message without questions because he was responsible

Be someone that another person can count on

B.     Socrates/ancient Greeks

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

Question your life

c.      Did You Know?/Shift Happens

Showing us that technology is shaping our world

d.      Globalization

How super connected we are with the rest of our world

e.      Infrastructure

Transportation (airports, ports, roads)


Communication (cell phones, towers, ((leads back to electricity)))

2.Population and Migration

Money, have vs have not

a.      population pyramids

The pyramid types

b.      crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR

Study the terms (notebook)

c.      immigration/emigration, NMR (net migration rate)

d.      push forces, pull forces

Bad government, religion, freedom, famine

e.      developed nations, developing nations

Infrastructure and what the country has/provides

f.       God Grew Tired of Us

3.Cultural Geography

a.      language (bilingual nations, official language)

USA has no official language

Canada has 2 (French & English)

Shapes the schooling

b.      major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)

Why is it important - having contact with different people your whole life

Your job could require you to go outside of the USA or home land


c.      ethnic heritage

4.Political Geography

a.      country, nation, state, nation/state

b.      World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US)

c.      type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs

Mr. Schick's blog & the test

5.Economic Geography

a.      Microfinance - tiny piece of the large economy in the world


b.      Infrastructure

Microloans help up the infrastructure

Up above & notebook

c.      Kiva

Organization where normal people can provide small ($25) loans to people in developing countries to help them kick start their business in a developing country.

d.      Peace Corps

Help people in developing countries


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11/13; Talking Exam

Today during human geo, we had a very short class and it was filled with a lot of shhhhing. And Mr. Schick ended up spitting on Devin accidently. We went over the microfinance test, which didn’t take that long, and then we stated talking about the exam coming up. Grace said that she would make an exam study guide game for Monday and I think that will be fun. It’s sad to think that after the class on Monday, our class is being spilt up. Our study guide for the exam will be posted on Mr. Schick’s blog, but our most valuable resource is our past tests. So that’s all for today, so until Friday. And happy late birthday Mr. Schick, I hope you had a good time in California.

Friday, December 6, 2013

12/6/13; Microfinance Test Day

MICROFINANCE IS OVER. I think I did very well on it. Did you know that Grace Mottley has donated billions of dollars to the less fortunate? That’s why she will be president. The test was very short, only 15 questions. And Devin still cant make buckets and his shadow today looked like he was 25 & Annie and i thought he was a sub, so yeah. then at the end of the class Grace made an unnecessary scene.... maybe she wont be president anymore... BUT I GOT A 93 WHICH IS REALLY GOOD

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4/13; Microfinance Stufy Guide

Today in human geo we went over a study guide for the test Friday. The notes from today’s class are;

·        Microfinance; a form of financial services for entrepreneurs & small business’ lacking access to baking & other services

·        Microloans; a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking

·        Problems;

o   High interest (23%)

o   Providing services to those in poverty is high in money

o   Time consuming for processing all the loans

·        Receiving;

o   People who are trying to kick start a small business

o   Villagers funding clinics, hospitals, etc.

o   Students trying to further their educating

o   Teachers starting a school

·        Kiva

o   $500,000,000 in loans

o   1 mil lenders

o   1.1 mill borrowers

o   Repayment rate = 99.01%

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3/13; Possible Microfinance Test Questions

Possibly questions for the microfinance test; 

1.    What is microfinance?

a.     A term used to describe financial services to low-income individuals.

2.    What are microloans?

a.     Small amounts of money given to people who don’t have access to banks.

3.    Name 3 things that microfinance can help improve;

a.     Diseases.

b.    Poverty.

c.     Local sanitation.

4.    What causes malaria?

a.     A bite from an infected female mosquito.

5.    Name one way drought can be solved;

a.     Using extra water for the farms.

6.    Name one way heavy rain can be solved;

a.     Evening out the water that falls.

7.    Where are microloans most popular?

a.     Developing countries.

8.    Name a website that uses microloans;

a.     Kiva.

9.    Name two ways that microfinance can help a community;

a.     Bringing more money into the community.

b.    Improve the local info structure.

10. Name one thing that microloans are used for;

a.     Insurance.



Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/13; Microfinance

Today in human geo, we went over our class power point in huge detail. We will have one more test, on microfinance, before the final exam. After the final exam, that will be the end of human geo and we will switch into west civ after the winter break. Some of the notes from today’s class are;

·       Microfinance – the supplying of financial services to people who need a “kick start”

·       Microloans – loans given to people who need it to provide them the money they need

o   Microloans help

§  Starting a small business

§  Provide insurance

§  Improve infrastructure

Microfinance helps the developing countries try and eliminate things like malaria, improve the problems that drought causes, and help with clean water.

Microloans are available to middle class to financially troubled people. It is most common in developing countries because they don’t have access to a bank.

That was most of the notes from class today, so until tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

11/26/13; STORY TIME

STORY TIME! Today in human geo, we had a story time day! Mr. Schick told us his two stories about Gumby, once in 4th and 5th grade. In 4th grade he landed Gumby into his teachers coffee mug and she ended up drinking it! Then in 5th grade he cut a nun in the hand! Next he was telling his stories about teachers giving him physical abuse. And also, Annie thought that Devin was watching Regay Bush, and it was pretty funny. Once he had to kneel on a metal rod for 45 minutes, and then he got lifted by the hair, eye level, and screamed at. Then we went onto the topic of writing sentences, a lot of us had written lines before. Mr. Schick had to write 1,000 sentences of something, and that was the one time his mom stuck up for him. Overall today was a really fun class before break. Story time over.

Monday, November 25, 2013

11/25/13; Terrible Power Point

Today in human geo, we started to work on a power point about microfinance. It ended up being very terrible from the lack of structure and communication. It was basically a free for all with the notes on the slides, I was completely stressed out. I don’t know why it bothered me so much but it did. You would figure that I could just find a topic that has to do with microfinance and write a slide on it? No I couldn’t, most of the time that slide topic was taken or people were messing up YOUR slide. I’m interested and nervous to see what tomorrow brings us, I can only hope that it is positive. But one good thing came out of today, I got to listen to music and block out the world around me. So until tomorrow when I will be excited for the much needed break.

Friday, November 22, 2013

11/22/13; JFK 50th

Today in human geo, Mr. Schick was not there. All we did was work on the Peace Corps Challenge, it was very boring. I was really excited for class today because it is always so open and exciting but today was the complete opposite. Everyone is sitting in silence and it is very sad, I was also hoping to talk about John F. Kennedy today because this is his 50th year for his assassination. That’s what this week was really building up to, but instead the class has to sit in silence. The Peace Corps Challenge is both good and bad in my opinion, it teaches you what things are like outside of your country but it really doesn’t in force the correct answer. When they ask you a question, if you chose the wrong answer, they don’t explain why it’s wrong and what the better choice would be. But overall the game is good. Mr. Schick said that he wouldn’t be giving out a test before Thanksgiving break which is good, so until Monday.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/20/12; Microfinance in Detail

Today in human geo, we talked a lot about microfinance in great detail. We also talked out how we are different from the other classes in the way we handled the bad grades. Our deep conversation started by talking about microfinance, and how it tremendously helps small businesses. Then someone mentioned the “Small Business Saturday” and we got talking to deep detail with that and how the big businesses over powers the small businesses. And now onto my usual JFK rant, on the news today I found out that the people in Texas (I don’t know who exactly) but they decided to re-pave Elm Street, and NOT re-paint the “X” where JFK was assassinated. I think that is outrageous, whatever your belief on his assassination was, it still happened, and it is a huge part of this country’s history. And to not re-paint the “X” I think is almost as if you’re trying to forget what happened. Which is completely absurd. Tomorrow we do not have class so until Friday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11/19/13; Test Review - World Leaders

Today in human geo, we reviewed our World Leaders Test, and Mr. Schick was not very happy at all. We learned that our class had the lowest average and that nobody could really do worse than Matt Bataglia. Mr. Schick was very disappointed in us because the test was an open blog test and he expected us to do very well. Most of the problems we had was that we did not read the questions clear enough or our blogs did not have enough information. In my opinion, a few questions on the test were worded strange and we felt rushed. Overall everyone could have done better, there’s always room for improvement. Tomorrow we will continue with microfinance and the Peace Corps Challenge. I still think that we should do something for JFK’s assassination on Friday, but I think Mr. Schick would rather not. I truly hope he does something though, so until tomorrow.

Monday, November 18, 2013

11/18/13; Peace Corps Challenge

Today in human geo, we started a new unit and started to work on the Peace Corps Challenge. The Peace Corps Challenge is; you are a person going to visit the village of Wazuzu or something like that and it’s not real, it’s in your mind. But during the challenge, you are faced with a problem in the village and you are supposed to talk to the villagers to understand their opinion on the issue and then choose the best solution to the problem. Sometimes it’s very confusing and boring but we are “learning”. The overall choice that you make is supposed to help the community in the long run, but the problem is that if you choose the wrong solution, it really doesn’t correct you. We will continue with the game/challenge tomorrow. I think that because on Friday, it’s the 50th anniversary of JFK’s assassination, that we should do something that relates to that, but that’s just my opinion, and I like my opinion.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11/13/13; ...Its the start of something new

Today in human geo we took our World Leaders test, it was an open note from our blog test thank god! It was all on their background information which we had been going over for about a week now. And some of the locations of the world leaders countries. We learned a lot of new interesting facts about the different cultures around us, and it showed me that not every country is like ours. I mean I already knew that but it just furthered my knowledge. And now as the old topic came to an end, a new one must form. We will not find out what that new topic is tomorrow because we don’t have class and we are off school Friday! So for a full recap, we took our world leaders test today and we will not find out our new topic until next Monday, so until then I guess.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

11/8/13 11/11/13 11/12/13; Revised World Leader Notes

In human geo, we went over our last test. We have five weeks until our final exam and our political geography test will be next Wednesday. Notes that will be on the test;

Mexico - Federal Republic - President Enrique Pena Nieto

- wife had a sudden death in 2007
Germany - Federal Republic - President Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel
- Merkel has been the most powerful women in the world for 8/10 past years
Venezuela - Federal Republic - President Nicolas Maduro Moros
 previously a bus drive
- previously the vice president
China - Communist State - President XI Jinping
- Son of one of the Communist Party founders
- daughter is studying at Harvard
- married the army general of China  
 United Kingdom - Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm - Queen Elizabeth II (since Feb 6, 1962) Heir Apparent Prince Charles (son of the queen, has yet to take thrown)
- (PM) youngest prime minister ever
- (queen) inaugurated on February 6, 1952

Saudi Arabia - Monarchy - King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
- worth 21 million
- fathered 22 children
- 2011 granted women the right to vote and run in the future
  India - Federal Republic - President Pranab Mukherjee
 - mother was prime minister of India but was assassinated
- rated one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984
France - Republic - President Francois Hollande
- born in 1954 with a physician father and social worker mother
- no previous national government experiment
Iran - Theocratic Republic - Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei 
- (SL) was Iran's president before - was imprisoned multiple times in 1975
- (P) elected in June 2013
Afghanistan - Islamic Republic - President; Hamid Karzai
- emerged as a resistance leader
- warned the US that the Taliban were connected with the al Qaeda and that there was a plot of an attack on the US, but the warnings went unused (9/11)
Brazil - Federal Republic - President Dilma Rousseff
- has a degree in economics
- underwent chemotherapy for lymphoma in '09
- disagreed with Brazil's military, was arrested and in prison for 3 years, which in that time she was tortured

Israel - Parliamentary Democracy - President Shimon Peres
- (president) organized Israel's nuclear program
- (minister) believes that if Israel has been established earlier then the Holocaust would have never happened

 11/8/13; today in human geo we started to go over the background information for each leader, we haven't finished yet.
11/11/13; we continued to go over the background information for the leaders, our test will be on Wednesday.
11/12/13; we finished going over the background information power point and our test is tomorrow.