Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4/13; Microfinance Stufy Guide

Today in human geo we went over a study guide for the test Friday. The notes from today’s class are;

·        Microfinance; a form of financial services for entrepreneurs & small business’ lacking access to baking & other services

·        Microloans; a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking

·        Problems;

o   High interest (23%)

o   Providing services to those in poverty is high in money

o   Time consuming for processing all the loans

·        Receiving;

o   People who are trying to kick start a small business

o   Villagers funding clinics, hospitals, etc.

o   Students trying to further their educating

o   Teachers starting a school

·        Kiva

o   $500,000,000 in loans

o   1 mil lenders

o   1.1 mill borrowers

o   Repayment rate = 99.01%

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