Friday, December 13, 2013

12/13/13; Exam Study Guide

Today in human geo, we got our study guide and briefly went over the concepts in it. Considering we will not likely have school Monday, or very short classes, Mr. Schick wanted us to use this time as if we would not have class Monday. The exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions and 1 essay. The multiple choice questions will range from all the topics we have covered this semester, and the essay questions is basically why is it important to know all this information and how is it all tied together. The notes from today’s class are;

Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013


1.Introduction (Excellence)

a.      A Letter to Garcia

He delivered the message without questions because he was responsible

Be someone that another person can count on

B.     Socrates/ancient Greeks

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

Question your life

c.      Did You Know?/Shift Happens

Showing us that technology is shaping our world

d.      Globalization

How super connected we are with the rest of our world

e.      Infrastructure

Transportation (airports, ports, roads)


Communication (cell phones, towers, ((leads back to electricity)))

2.Population and Migration

Money, have vs have not

a.      population pyramids

The pyramid types

b.      crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR

Study the terms (notebook)

c.      immigration/emigration, NMR (net migration rate)

d.      push forces, pull forces

Bad government, religion, freedom, famine

e.      developed nations, developing nations

Infrastructure and what the country has/provides

f.       God Grew Tired of Us

3.Cultural Geography

a.      language (bilingual nations, official language)

USA has no official language

Canada has 2 (French & English)

Shapes the schooling

b.      major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)

Why is it important - having contact with different people your whole life

Your job could require you to go outside of the USA or home land


c.      ethnic heritage

4.Political Geography

a.      country, nation, state, nation/state

b.      World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US)

c.      type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs

Mr. Schick's blog & the test

5.Economic Geography

a.      Microfinance - tiny piece of the large economy in the world


b.      Infrastructure

Microloans help up the infrastructure

Up above & notebook

c.      Kiva

Organization where normal people can provide small ($25) loans to people in developing countries to help them kick start their business in a developing country.

d.      Peace Corps

Help people in developing countries


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