Friday, November 22, 2013

11/22/13; JFK 50th

Today in human geo, Mr. Schick was not there. All we did was work on the Peace Corps Challenge, it was very boring. I was really excited for class today because it is always so open and exciting but today was the complete opposite. Everyone is sitting in silence and it is very sad, I was also hoping to talk about John F. Kennedy today because this is his 50th year for his assassination. That’s what this week was really building up to, but instead the class has to sit in silence. The Peace Corps Challenge is both good and bad in my opinion, it teaches you what things are like outside of your country but it really doesn’t in force the correct answer. When they ask you a question, if you chose the wrong answer, they don’t explain why it’s wrong and what the better choice would be. But overall the game is good. Mr. Schick said that he wouldn’t be giving out a test before Thanksgiving break which is good, so until Monday.

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