Tuesday, November 19, 2013

11/19/13; Test Review - World Leaders

Today in human geo, we reviewed our World Leaders Test, and Mr. Schick was not very happy at all. We learned that our class had the lowest average and that nobody could really do worse than Matt Bataglia. Mr. Schick was very disappointed in us because the test was an open blog test and he expected us to do very well. Most of the problems we had was that we did not read the questions clear enough or our blogs did not have enough information. In my opinion, a few questions on the test were worded strange and we felt rushed. Overall everyone could have done better, there’s always room for improvement. Tomorrow we will continue with microfinance and the Peace Corps Challenge. I still think that we should do something for JFK’s assassination on Friday, but I think Mr. Schick would rather not. I truly hope he does something though, so until tomorrow.

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