Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3/13; Possible Microfinance Test Questions

Possibly questions for the microfinance test; 

1.    What is microfinance?

a.     A term used to describe financial services to low-income individuals.

2.    What are microloans?

a.     Small amounts of money given to people who don’t have access to banks.

3.    Name 3 things that microfinance can help improve;

a.     Diseases.

b.    Poverty.

c.     Local sanitation.

4.    What causes malaria?

a.     A bite from an infected female mosquito.

5.    Name one way drought can be solved;

a.     Using extra water for the farms.

6.    Name one way heavy rain can be solved;

a.     Evening out the water that falls.

7.    Where are microloans most popular?

a.     Developing countries.

8.    Name a website that uses microloans;

a.     Kiva.

9.    Name two ways that microfinance can help a community;

a.     Bringing more money into the community.

b.    Improve the local info structure.

10. Name one thing that microloans are used for;

a.     Insurance.



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