Saturday, November 9, 2013

11/8/13 11/11/13 11/12/13; Revised World Leader Notes

In human geo, we went over our last test. We have five weeks until our final exam and our political geography test will be next Wednesday. Notes that will be on the test;

Mexico - Federal Republic - President Enrique Pena Nieto

- wife had a sudden death in 2007
Germany - Federal Republic - President Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel
- Merkel has been the most powerful women in the world for 8/10 past years
Venezuela - Federal Republic - President Nicolas Maduro Moros
 previously a bus drive
- previously the vice president
China - Communist State - President XI Jinping
- Son of one of the Communist Party founders
- daughter is studying at Harvard
- married the army general of China  
 United Kingdom - Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm - Queen Elizabeth II (since Feb 6, 1962) Heir Apparent Prince Charles (son of the queen, has yet to take thrown)
- (PM) youngest prime minister ever
- (queen) inaugurated on February 6, 1952

Saudi Arabia - Monarchy - King and Prime Minister Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
- worth 21 million
- fathered 22 children
- 2011 granted women the right to vote and run in the future
  India - Federal Republic - President Pranab Mukherjee
 - mother was prime minister of India but was assassinated
- rated one of the best finance ministers of the world in 1984
France - Republic - President Francois Hollande
- born in 1954 with a physician father and social worker mother
- no previous national government experiment
Iran - Theocratic Republic - Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei 
- (SL) was Iran's president before - was imprisoned multiple times in 1975
- (P) elected in June 2013
Afghanistan - Islamic Republic - President; Hamid Karzai
- emerged as a resistance leader
- warned the US that the Taliban were connected with the al Qaeda and that there was a plot of an attack on the US, but the warnings went unused (9/11)
Brazil - Federal Republic - President Dilma Rousseff
- has a degree in economics
- underwent chemotherapy for lymphoma in '09
- disagreed with Brazil's military, was arrested and in prison for 3 years, which in that time she was tortured

Israel - Parliamentary Democracy - President Shimon Peres
- (president) organized Israel's nuclear program
- (minister) believes that if Israel has been established earlier then the Holocaust would have never happened

 11/8/13; today in human geo we started to go over the background information for each leader, we haven't finished yet.
11/11/13; we continued to go over the background information for the leaders, our test will be on Wednesday.
11/12/13; we finished going over the background information power point and our test is tomorrow.

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