Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/13; Microfinance

Today in human geo, we went over our class power point in huge detail. We will have one more test, on microfinance, before the final exam. After the final exam, that will be the end of human geo and we will switch into west civ after the winter break. Some of the notes from today’s class are;

·       Microfinance – the supplying of financial services to people who need a “kick start”

·       Microloans – loans given to people who need it to provide them the money they need

o   Microloans help

§  Starting a small business

§  Provide insurance

§  Improve infrastructure

Microfinance helps the developing countries try and eliminate things like malaria, improve the problems that drought causes, and help with clean water.

Microloans are available to middle class to financially troubled people. It is most common in developing countries because they don’t have access to a bank.

That was most of the notes from class today, so until tomorrow.

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