Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/9/13; Population Test Friday

Today in human geo, we learned that there will be a test on Friday covering; the pyramids and the terms that we have covered. Those terms include;

Life expectancy- The number of years believed to be lived by a group of people who were born in the same year.

Crude Birth Rate- Number of Births per 1,000 people of a population

Crude Death rate- Number of deaths per 1,000 people of a population

Developing Nations-Countries without infrastructure

Developed Nations- Countries with infrastructure

Rate of Natural Increase (RNI) – (subtract the death rate from the birth rate, then dividing by 10) the annual growth rate of country (no immigrants)

Net Migration Rate- The difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country

Net Immigration- Is the total amount of immigrants that come into a country

Net Emigration- The total amount of people leaving a country

Push forces- War, low amount of jobs, and wanting religious freedom

Pull forces- high job opportunity, and religious freedom

Total Fertility Rate (TFR) - Average number of children born per woman

And the pyramid population pictures can vary on what that city has to offer, for example; jobs, colleges, military, retirement, land, etc.

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