Friday, October 25, 2013


Today in human geo, we took a quiz that was supposed to “help raise our grade” but it was very stupid because I did ok on the quiz. The quiz covered everything we have learned so far in the cultural geography power point. Sometime next week we are going to have a one hundred point quiz covering everything in the power point. Before the quiz we went over some of the stuff regarding it and that honestly helped me a lot. Some of the questions were about religion, language, and the organizations around the world. The religion questions included; what religion out of the important ones have the most people, which one has the least? And so on. Some language questions included; what is the main language in Brazil, which is Portuguese and not Spanish. Then the organizational questions included things like; the name for the oil company around the world which is OPEC. For the one hundred point quiz I think it will also cover things from this quiz.

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