Monday, October 7, 2013

10/7/13; God Grew Tired of Us; Family

Today in human geo, we finished the documentary. The documentary was honestly very inspirational, especially John Bul. I felt that he, out of the three boys, was the most worried about everyone back in Sudan that they left. Another inspirational moment was when John saw his mom and sister after being separated for sixteen years. His mom is so happy and if you didn’t tear up of feel touched during that part I’m questioning if you have feelings or not. Another important point Mr. Schick made was that this wasn’t a Disney movie, meaning that everyone has a happy ending. And you see that threw Daniel, he never tried to contact his family and never tried to help back in Sudan, he just continued to go to school for a good education. Which is wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but his story compared to Panthers or John’s is very different. Panther’s and John’s were more focused on family and everyone back home. Tomorrow we have a quiz on the documentary and cupcakes because it’s my birthday!

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