Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10/1/13 - The Lost Boys

Today in human geo class as expected, we watched the movie “God Grew Tired of Us” which is surprisingly an hour and thirty minutes long. So we will be watching that video for a few more classes. So far the video is interesting, it’s about the journey of three boys that fled from Sudan during their Civil War. The Civil War started when North Sudan wanted to ethically cleanse Sudan, which basically meant that they wanted all Christians and other religions in the South to leave. But they were nice about it, they didn’t care if you left dead or alive, the North just didn’t want you. Because of this, about 27000 boys started walking to the nearest boarder to escape. With little to no food and water, they made it to Kenya. But after three years they were kicked out and had to continue their journey to another place. Tomorrow we will pick up on the trip the three boys take to start a better life in America.

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