Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/22/13; Cultural Geography - Religion

For today’s human geo class, we continued talking about cultural geography. Today was mostly about religion because it is a very important and lengthy topic. We also heard Mr. Schick’s six cup of coffee rant and you could defiantly tell how strongly he felt on this topic. Some of the notes include; Abrahamic religion; believing that you descend directly from Abraham, some example religions include; Jewish, Christianity, and Islam. Also, religion can be the start of deadly wars and fights in general, for example, the Catholics and Protestants fought in Ireland. Another example that is still carrying out today is that, Christians, Jews, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem as their holy city. Most of the fights that happen are between a religions that believe the same things yet disagree so much on one topic that they feel the need to split. And finally, spatial divisions are how we divide the liable space found on the earth by social, economic, and political differences.

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