Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10/23/13; The Best Country in the World

Again in today’s human geo class we continued cultural geography, but the new segment was nationalism. Nationalism is when you think would country is superior to all other countries. We watched a video and it was from a TV show. There were two politicians and one talk show host who were answering questions from college students. One girl asked “why is America the best country” and the talk show host answered “It’s not”. Which threw everyone off, but it lead us into our discussion for the day. Most of us agreed that there cannot be one supreme country over all. But each country can be the best at different things. I went on Wikipedia and found a section about the international rankings for each country and there was not one country. It truly showed how one country cannot be superior over all other countries in everything but it can be the best a certain things. There is no “best country” without using your opinion.

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