Monday, November 4, 2013

11/4/13; Bad Humor

Today in human geo class we took our test and started a new topic. The new topic is political organization, along with world leaders and map work. Some vocabulary for this unit are;

·       Country – a identifiable land are (on a map)

·       Nation – a population with a common culture

o   A group of people with a shared identity

o   Culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger that a single tribe or community, which share a coming language, institutions, religion & historical experience

·       Capital S State – population under a single Gov. (synonymous with “country”)

·       Nation State – a single culture under a single Gov. a notion which has the same borders as a State

·       Independent State

o   Recognized boundaries

o   Organized economy (currency)

o   Internationally known

o   Has;

§  Education

§  Transportation

§  Government

§  Sovereignty

§  External recognition

§  A population

After those notes, we started to watch a video about the three big words, country, state, and nation. The speaker tried to be funny but failed, tomorrow we will continue to go through the notes and finish the video.

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