Monday, December 16, 2013


ok so hey Mr. Schick,

I thought you would want to know that my dad just yelled at me for pronouncing Reggie Bush's name wrong. and that he just scored a touchdown against the ravens tonight. so yeah go ravens.

Detroit sucks, especially Regay Bush, bye.

12/16/13; Last Blog Till Next Year

Today during human geo we went over the review questions that grace made for the final/midterms exam. Honestly, a lot of the class was spent with us goofing off like usual. Grace sounded like a chain smoker so we all knew what she was doing this weekend. Studying obviously. But her quiz game thing that she made was really helpful and contained all the information for the exam. Our exam is on Thursday, the second test time. So this is my last post for this blog, because this is only a semester class, oh wait just kidding, we still have two weeks after the break. Never mind about that. But there’s not 1 day till Christmas, not 4, but 9! And here is the answer to Mr. Schick’s “trick question”;

What is the net migration rate for the whole entire world?




Friday, December 13, 2013

12/13/13; Exam Study Guide

Today in human geo, we got our study guide and briefly went over the concepts in it. Considering we will not likely have school Monday, or very short classes, Mr. Schick wanted us to use this time as if we would not have class Monday. The exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions and 1 essay. The multiple choice questions will range from all the topics we have covered this semester, and the essay questions is basically why is it important to know all this information and how is it all tied together. The notes from today’s class are;

Study Guide to the Semester Exam - Human Geo - Fall 2013


1.Introduction (Excellence)

a.      A Letter to Garcia

He delivered the message without questions because he was responsible

Be someone that another person can count on

B.     Socrates/ancient Greeks

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

Question your life

c.      Did You Know?/Shift Happens

Showing us that technology is shaping our world

d.      Globalization

How super connected we are with the rest of our world

e.      Infrastructure

Transportation (airports, ports, roads)


Communication (cell phones, towers, ((leads back to electricity)))

2.Population and Migration

Money, have vs have not

a.      population pyramids

The pyramid types

b.      crude birth rate, crude death rate, RNI, TFR

Study the terms (notebook)

c.      immigration/emigration, NMR (net migration rate)

d.      push forces, pull forces

Bad government, religion, freedom, famine

e.      developed nations, developing nations

Infrastructure and what the country has/provides

f.       God Grew Tired of Us

3.Cultural Geography

a.      language (bilingual nations, official language)

USA has no official language

Canada has 2 (French & English)

Shapes the schooling

b.      major religions (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism)

Why is it important - having contact with different people your whole life

Your job could require you to go outside of the USA or home land


c.      ethnic heritage

4.Political Geography

a.      country, nation, state, nation/state

b.      World Leaders of the 12 nations we studied (plus the US)

c.      type of government, leader and title, recognize photographs

Mr. Schick's blog & the test

5.Economic Geography

a.      Microfinance - tiny piece of the large economy in the world


b.      Infrastructure

Microloans help up the infrastructure

Up above & notebook

c.      Kiva

Organization where normal people can provide small ($25) loans to people in developing countries to help them kick start their business in a developing country.

d.      Peace Corps

Help people in developing countries


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

12/11/13; Talking Exam

Today during human geo, we had a very short class and it was filled with a lot of shhhhing. And Mr. Schick ended up spitting on Devin accidently. We went over the microfinance test, which didn’t take that long, and then we stated talking about the exam coming up. Grace said that she would make an exam study guide game for Monday and I think that will be fun. It’s sad to think that after the class on Monday, our class is being spilt up. Our study guide for the exam will be posted on Mr. Schick’s blog, but our most valuable resource is our past tests. So that’s all for today, so until Friday. And happy late birthday Mr. Schick, I hope you had a good time in California.

Friday, December 6, 2013

12/6/13; Microfinance Test Day

MICROFINANCE IS OVER. I think I did very well on it. Did you know that Grace Mottley has donated billions of dollars to the less fortunate? That’s why she will be president. The test was very short, only 15 questions. And Devin still cant make buckets and his shadow today looked like he was 25 & Annie and i thought he was a sub, so yeah. then at the end of the class Grace made an unnecessary scene.... maybe she wont be president anymore... BUT I GOT A 93 WHICH IS REALLY GOOD

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12/4/13; Microfinance Stufy Guide

Today in human geo we went over a study guide for the test Friday. The notes from today’s class are;

·        Microfinance; a form of financial services for entrepreneurs & small business’ lacking access to baking & other services

·        Microloans; a small loan given to individuals who might not have access to typical banking

·        Problems;

o   High interest (23%)

o   Providing services to those in poverty is high in money

o   Time consuming for processing all the loans

·        Receiving;

o   People who are trying to kick start a small business

o   Villagers funding clinics, hospitals, etc.

o   Students trying to further their educating

o   Teachers starting a school

·        Kiva

o   $500,000,000 in loans

o   1 mil lenders

o   1.1 mill borrowers

o   Repayment rate = 99.01%

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

12/3/13; Possible Microfinance Test Questions

Possibly questions for the microfinance test; 

1.    What is microfinance?

a.     A term used to describe financial services to low-income individuals.

2.    What are microloans?

a.     Small amounts of money given to people who don’t have access to banks.

3.    Name 3 things that microfinance can help improve;

a.     Diseases.

b.    Poverty.

c.     Local sanitation.

4.    What causes malaria?

a.     A bite from an infected female mosquito.

5.    Name one way drought can be solved;

a.     Using extra water for the farms.

6.    Name one way heavy rain can be solved;

a.     Evening out the water that falls.

7.    Where are microloans most popular?

a.     Developing countries.

8.    Name a website that uses microloans;

a.     Kiva.

9.    Name two ways that microfinance can help a community;

a.     Bringing more money into the community.

b.    Improve the local info structure.

10. Name one thing that microloans are used for;

a.     Insurance.



Monday, December 2, 2013

12/2/13; Microfinance

Today in human geo, we went over our class power point in huge detail. We will have one more test, on microfinance, before the final exam. After the final exam, that will be the end of human geo and we will switch into west civ after the winter break. Some of the notes from today’s class are;

·       Microfinance – the supplying of financial services to people who need a “kick start”

·       Microloans – loans given to people who need it to provide them the money they need

o   Microloans help

§  Starting a small business

§  Provide insurance

§  Improve infrastructure

Microfinance helps the developing countries try and eliminate things like malaria, improve the problems that drought causes, and help with clean water.

Microloans are available to middle class to financially troubled people. It is most common in developing countries because they don’t have access to a bank.

That was most of the notes from class today, so until tomorrow.