Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day

My first day of school was filled with joy, nerves, and excitement. When going for class to class, I got very nervous from the possibility of being late, getting lost, or forgetting something. Once I went from one class to the other, after the first time, it became a lot easier. My teachers were all very welcoming and nice. For my Monday schedule, my lunch is very short. So from rushing to get to lunch, then back to my next class was hectic. After giving my stomach a change to recover from the fast eating, I realized I really did have a good day. My favorite class so far was English, the teacher was very nice and I knew a lot of other kids in the class. I am defiantly looking forward to each class I have. Even though it will be my second day tomorrow, I still feel nervous because it will be my first official day from start to finish. The constantly changing schedule will take a few weeks to get used to but I can do it. From my good first day, my first year at John Carroll will be a great one.

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