Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8/28/13; Beginning to Blog

Today's class we mostly fixed our mistakes from our blog. And then we did basic first day school stuff because Mr. Schick was out the first day. I fixed my blog, I was one of the people that couldn't get theirs to work. But now it doesn't seem that confusing anymore. Also, Mr. Schick is really good at awkward long pauses, which is kind of creepy. Most of our homework will be from our blogs. Except for other bigger projects. We also need a journal for note taking and anything else that might come up. After our class, we have to post a blog about it for our homework. In the future when class starts to get going and we start to cover materials, our journals will be used a lot more and we could have projects. And we learned that if your absent you still have to complete your blog, but you just say that you were absent and why.

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