Friday, January 10, 2014

1/10/13; Urban Geogrpahy Day 3

Another two hour delay again! We continued talking about urban geography, as expected. Because today’s class was shorter, we didn’t take a lot of notes, but the notes from today’s class are;


·        Cities that thrived were embellish by wealthy families who built mansions, supported to arts, participated in government, and supported reconstruction of city centers.

·        The second urban revolution

o   A large scale movement of people to cities to work in manufacturing made possible by:

§  1. Second agricultural revolution that improved food production and created a large surplus

§  2. Industrialization which encouraged the growth of cities near industrial resources.

o   Rust belts:

§  Once thriving industrial districts. Ex: many abandoned factories

·        During the second half of the 20th century the nature of manufacturing changed along with the locations.

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